Sunday, March 6, 2011

Toilet Scene

Monday 7th March

The Toilet Scene – Slumdog Millionaire

Sound Convention
One sound convention that was used in the scene, was when Amitabh Bachchan ‘s helicopter was flying over, Jamal imagined scenes from the movie along with a sort of theme music, this music was then used again as Jamal, thought himself as Amitabh Bachchan as he jumped into the long drop and came up covered in human faeces all in the name of getting his hero’s autograph. This had an impact on the scene as when you first hear the music, you begin to associate it with Amitabh. Then again when Jamal jumps into the long drop, you are given the impression that he sees himself as taking the hard road and being the action hero of his own life.

Camera Angle One
At 12:08 there is a worms-eyes view shot of Amitabh’s helicopter flying over Jamal’s stall, this angle was used to show Jamals confinement in the small stall that may cause him to miss his chance to see his hero. This had an impact on the scene by implying that there was no way to get out of the stall and that Jamal would just have to settle with the view of the helicopter. It also had an impact as you believed that Jamal would give up and accept that he won’t meet Amitabh, but we are also to be put wrong.

Camera Angle Two
At 13:28 there is a mid-shot of Salim with a look of complete shock on his face, this shot was used because, Salim who had locked Jamal in the toilet was surprised first of all that Jamal had sacrificed his dignity and jumped into the pile of poo just to meet his idol, let alone that the security would let him through. This has an impact on the scene as it shows the beginning of the rivalry and jealousy between the two brothers; it also shows the innocence of Jamal and how willingly Salim will exploit Jamal.

During the scene the lighting is generally quite bright to show the sun and the heat of the Indian climate, but when the clips of Salim are shown there are shadows on his face showing that he has a tendency to be dark and to do things that aren’t necessarily moral. 

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