Monday, March 28, 2011

Target Audience

Wednesday 9th March

Criminal Minds- Target Audience

Criminal Minds target audience is those who are in the mid-30s plus who are earning a decent income, this is shown by the many car ads. The target audience is also aimed at parents, nappies ads and calci-yum.

Describe the relationship between a media product and its target audience.

Achieved with Merit:
Explain the relationship between a media product and its audience.

Achieved with Excellence:
Analyse the relationship between a media product and its target audience

Target: The group/ sector of society that media product is primarily intended to reach and appealed to; eg gender, age, socio-economic status

Relationship:  Includes identification/ measurement of a target audience, use of techniques to make a product appeal to its target audience and the role/influence of other factors in the relationship

Analyse: Goes beyond the identifying and explaining the study to wider implications, issues and/or ramifications

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