Monday, March 28, 2011

Jessie J – Price Tag Analysis
What are the messages in this video clip?
That the money does not matter, but only because the supply is endless. This means that the video is aimed at parts of the next generation, such as the young city girls who are very materialistic  and need the latest materialistic possessions.
Are the messages then same as the product(s)?
No, the message and the product contradict each other, the song says don’t worry about the money, yet go out and buy my song so that the company earns money.
What techniques are used to convey the messages?
The money tree and the costumes designs show that it is indeed about the money, and the puppet on the strings shows that the artist, Jessie J is controlled by her music company rather than being  independent.
Who is the target audience and how do you know?
The next generation, young girls who have to have the latest thing right now and need to be3 up with the latest trends.
Find an MTV program, describe it and explain who it is for. Post everything on the blog
Jersey Shore
Jersey Shore is about the stereotypical New Jersey residents self-titled ‘Guidos and Guidettes’. Guido/ettes are generally American-Italians who spend half their time tanning or in the gym and the other half partying. The show is based around their summer and the drama that is the result of the eight roommates being put in this house together.
This program is aimed at Young Hopefuls and The Next Generation. This is because they tend to enjoy the drama and the complete recklessness and careless lifestyle that the ‘roommates’ lead. 

VALS and Tags

VALS (Values and Lifestyles)                                                                          Monday 21 March 2011
Thinkers – is a category of people are people who are motivated by ideals. Order, knowledge and responsibility and responsibility are important to them. They are well educated.
Believers - Stick to the same thing
Achievers - Motivated by the desire to succeed, manage their time.
Strivers – Want to be something but can’t quite get there and tend to be active consumers
Experiencers – Motivated by self-expression and will try and do anything. Have to have the newest of everything. Avid consumers
Makers - Comfortable with basics
Innovators – Large disposable income and finer thing in life, they are successful and sophisticated
Survivors – people with few resources, loyal to familiar brands and are modest consumers  

Tags                                                                                                                                       Wednesday 23 March

Liberal Sophisticates
25 - 45 (No specific age group)
Average (Well Off)
Average (Low TV consumers)(Better things to do) 
Young Hopefuls
18 - 25 (15-24)
High (TV and Radio)
Settled Seniors
55 – 70 (57 % over 55)
Low (But good savers)
Average, Loyal (Newspapers, TV and Radio)
Struggling Young Families
25 -35 (No specific age)
Low,  (Media consumers)
Comfortable Full- Nesters
35 - 50
Average - High (Family Orientated)
Average , Loyal but will try new things as well (Media High)
Lonely and Dissatisfied
30 - 50
Low - Average
High (Low Media Consumption)
Affluent Acquirers
35 – 65 (15-39)
Average  - High
The Next Generation
10 - 20
Low - Average
Average - High (TV dominated)



Target Audience

“It’s not what the target audience is; it’s why they are the target audience.”

The Simpsons:
 This is aimed at families. Because they have potty humour for children’s humour type as there are slight more subtle innuendo for adults. Also it is appropriate for all ages meaning there is a wider audience. Not a huge amount of violence. Relatable.

Is aimed at teenage boys and men, who enjoy the spectacle of the fighting, there are also women wrestlers to appeal to the men sexually. Children as well as proved by the merchandise. Males 12-34

Is aimed at people from the age of 30 + or aspiring chefs, for the competition and for the food ideas. Those who entertain, and are cooking for the house.

Fear Factor 

Target Audience

Wednesday 9th March

Criminal Minds- Target Audience

Criminal Minds target audience is those who are in the mid-30s plus who are earning a decent income, this is shown by the many car ads. The target audience is also aimed at parents, nappies ads and calci-yum.

Describe the relationship between a media product and its target audience.

Achieved with Merit:
Explain the relationship between a media product and its audience.

Achieved with Excellence:
Analyse the relationship between a media product and its target audience

Target: The group/ sector of society that media product is primarily intended to reach and appealed to; eg gender, age, socio-economic status

Relationship:  Includes identification/ measurement of a target audience, use of techniques to make a product appeal to its target audience and the role/influence of other factors in the relationship

Analyse: Goes beyond the identifying and explaining the study to wider implications, issues and/or ramifications

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Toilet Scene

Monday 7th March

The Toilet Scene – Slumdog Millionaire

Sound Convention
One sound convention that was used in the scene, was when Amitabh Bachchan ‘s helicopter was flying over, Jamal imagined scenes from the movie along with a sort of theme music, this music was then used again as Jamal, thought himself as Amitabh Bachchan as he jumped into the long drop and came up covered in human faeces all in the name of getting his hero’s autograph. This had an impact on the scene as when you first hear the music, you begin to associate it with Amitabh. Then again when Jamal jumps into the long drop, you are given the impression that he sees himself as taking the hard road and being the action hero of his own life.

Camera Angle One
At 12:08 there is a worms-eyes view shot of Amitabh’s helicopter flying over Jamal’s stall, this angle was used to show Jamals confinement in the small stall that may cause him to miss his chance to see his hero. This had an impact on the scene by implying that there was no way to get out of the stall and that Jamal would just have to settle with the view of the helicopter. It also had an impact as you believed that Jamal would give up and accept that he won’t meet Amitabh, but we are also to be put wrong.

Camera Angle Two
At 13:28 there is a mid-shot of Salim with a look of complete shock on his face, this shot was used because, Salim who had locked Jamal in the toilet was surprised first of all that Jamal had sacrificed his dignity and jumped into the pile of poo just to meet his idol, let alone that the security would let him through. This has an impact on the scene as it shows the beginning of the rivalry and jealousy between the two brothers; it also shows the innocence of Jamal and how willingly Salim will exploit Jamal.

During the scene the lighting is generally quite bright to show the sun and the heat of the Indian climate, but when the clips of Salim are shown there are shadows on his face showing that he has a tendency to be dark and to do things that aren’t necessarily moral. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Camera angle 1: At 1:29 the mid - shot is angled to look up at the character, handsome Bob giving him a sense of empowerment over his pursuer, the police officer.

Camera Angle 2: extreme close up of the Russians face at 2:48 show the concentration and the almost robotic way he has his eyes locked on his target, One-Two. It also shows his eyes as cold and determined. When taken in context with the comparison of the extreme close up of One-Two it shows his military endurance and how he knows he will reach his target

Sound Convention : 
Music starts out slow in the beginning of the clip and speed up as the characters start running then quiets again so the echo of the slap and the knife being sheathed before the music starts again at full pace. When the exhaustion starts to show (2:45) The music sounds as if it is coming from a distance . 

Pace: 27 shots in 30 seconds (27-57) This shows that the pace is faster then it would be in say in a dialogue but is not quite as many shots as it could have in a full on action scene. 
Monday 7 February

Shot: is a continuous piece of filming without interruption from the time the camera is turned on and starts filming until it is turned off.
e.g.  When Person A is talking to Person B and the camera concentrating on Person A

Edit:  A break in the film where one shot finishes and the next starts.
e.g. Where the camera is concentrating on Person B’s reaction

Scene:  Is a collection of shots arranged through editing in a specific order
e.g. The complete conversation between Persons A and B

Framing: is the art of deciding what images the audience sees within the framing of the cinema screen and how those images arranged with each shot.
e.g. Only showing one half of a person’s face to put emphasis on their expression

Diegesis:  Is everything contained within the world of that film. Therefore a diegetic element is an element within the world of the film while a nondiegetic element is anything outside of the world of the film.
e.g. Robots that transform in to cars only exist within the world of that particular film.

Mise-en-scene is a French expression that means ‘staging an action’. Mise-en-scene in Cinema Studies refers to all the visual elements within the frame that and support the telling of the story: the setting, lighting, costumes and acting style.
  •             Works subtly on the viewers’ emotional and intellectual responses.
  •             Aspects of mise-en-scene can be used to create symbolism for character traits, themes and social values.
Specifically refers to the art and technique of film photography, the capture of images, and lighting effects, or to the person responsible for capturing or recording-photographing images for a film, through camera angles, film stock, lenses, framing, and arrangement of lighting; the chief cinematographer responsible for a movie is called the director of photography (or D.P.),

Editing: The process of selecting, arranging, trimming, and joining together many separate camera takes (includes sound also)  into a complete, determined sequence of shots.

The audio portion of a film including dialogue, music, and effects; sound effectsrefers to all created sounds except dialogue or music

Introduction to Media

Firstly, My name is Jaime.

The reason I decided to take Media Studies at first was mainly to be able to use a laptop but the more I considered what subjects to take, not only is it a subject that interests me but ties in to the other subjects I am taking and also could be beneficial for other paths that I have been looking at taking in the future.